How to use color therapy for healing

The therapy is done by shining an appropriate colour on the particular area of the body. It is also done through eyes by looking at a particular colour. Though this is performed with utmost care so that there is no strain on the eyes. Colour therapy is a complementary therapy and not an alternative to medical care.

Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, is a therapy that uses color and light to treat certain mental and physical conditions.

Types of Color Therapy: 

Red: aggressiveness, energy, movement, confidence, stimulation, intensity

Yellow: happiness, vitality, improved mood, optimism, laughter

White: sterility, cleanliness, purity, innocence, light

Pink: calm, reduced appetite, sweetness, love and romance

Green: renewal, openness, peace, prosperity, tranquility

Black: strength, toughness, power, anger, authority, intelligence

Blue: openness, space, contemplation, focus, serenity

Orange: energy, ambition, activity, socialization, freeing

Brown: reliability, stability, wholesome, organic, natural

Purple: intuition, creativity, luxury, spiritual, wisdom, mystery


Techniques of Color Therapy

There are two major techniques of color therapy. It can either be done through sight, that is, by looking at a particular color in hopes that it elicits the desired response in your body, or by directly reflecting certain colors on parts of the body.

Color therapists believe that color can enter our bodies either through our eyes or skin. Each color we can see has its wavelength and unique frequency. Each unique frequency has a different effect on people and is used for different purposes. Warm colors are typically used for stimulating effects, while cool colors are used for calming effects. 

Color Therapy Can Help In.

I. Stress

II. Depression

III. Aggression 

IV. High blood pressure

V. Sleep disorders 

VI. Anxiety 

VII. Certain cancers

VIII. Skin infections

In your meditation hour, look at your list of favorite colors and the ones that are missing. Consciously link an emotion or memory to each of the colors. If you feel any resistance in your body when you look at a certain color, make a note of where you felt it and explore the deeper meaning of the color.

Surround yourself with the colors that make you smile

Make sure you have the color of your heart; that color that simply lights up your day and your mood in whatever form always by your side. Whether you eat it, wear it, or have it in your home. And whenever you have a bad time drink in this color and see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!

 Nighttime light

If you need a nightlight, use dim red lights. According to research, red light may affect circadian rhythm less than blue light.

 Outdoor breaks

If you’re having trouble focusing or staying alert, take a walk outside where you can get plenty of natural blue light. Interacting with green plants may also be a natural way to ease stress.


There’s also nothing wrong with visiting spas or getting yourself fun LED lights for your home. Even painting your nails or dyeing your hair can be a kind of color therapy.