Blue birds cant take your eyes off
Blue birds cant take your eyes off sighting of a bluebird has brought joy and happy. A bluebird can spot caterpillars and insects in tall grass at the remarkable distance of over 50 yards. Bluebird females of all species have duller plumage than males; this may reduce their visibility to predators. Bluebirds have no blue pigments in their feathers.
What is the myth about bluebirds?
In Native American mythology, some tribes consider the bluebird a spirit in animal form that symbolizes the dawn of a new day; others associate the friendly bird with the sun. The Iroquois believe that the bluebird is a harbinger of spring that fights off the evil demigod of winter.
Bluebirds are found in fields, orchards, parks, and gardens. Eastern bluebirds live in eastern Canada and the eastern United States.
The western and mountain types are found in western Canada and the western United States. Many bluebirds avoid cold winters by flying south for the winter. Some of the birds fly as far south as Mexico.
“Bluebirds are considered a good sign that good luck is just around the corner,” “Usually, right after a time of tremendous difficulty, the bluebird comes to bring good fortune in all things such as love, money, healing, and happiness.”
Marvelous birds to capture in your binoculars, male Eastern Bluebirds are Insects caught on the ground are a bluebird's main food for much of the year
For decades, scientists have known how birds with yellow or red feathers usually get their color: It comes from pigments in foods the birds eat. Flamingoes, for instance, extract pink pigments from algae and crustaceans they filter out of the water.
The challenge has been to figure out exactly how blue birds get their color.
It can’t be their diet: blue pigments, like those in blueberries, are destroyed when birds digest them. Scientists theorized that birds look blue for the same reason the sky looks blue: Red and yellow wavelengths pass through the atmosphere, but shorter blue wavelengths bounce off of particles and scatter, emitting a blue glow in every direction.
Why are some bluebirds bluer than others?
Bluebirds seem to come in many shades of blue. There are birds that are dull blue and others that are deep blue. Sometimes they even appear dark.
Color perception varies for a variety of reasons, including the fact that bluebirds acquire new plumage every year, the quality and availability of food during the molting period, as well as the color blue itself.
The color blue in birds is not an actual color or a color derived from pigments. The color blue is a structural color whose appearance is affected by the quality and angle of light.
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