Various countries around the globe observe World Asthma Day on the first Tuesday of May every year. Spreading awareness about this chronic disease is the prime objective of this day. 

On this World Asthma Day,the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), calls on the international respiratory communities to work together with colleagues, patients and health care providers to close the gaps in asthma care.

World Asthma Day (WAD) is organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma, (GINA) (, a World Health Organization collaborative organization founded in 1993. WAD is held each May to raise awareness of Asthma worldwide.

There are various things that trigger the problem of asthma. They also take a toll on non-asthmatic people but the situation is much grim for the ones suffering from it.

  • Air pollution: Dust, gases and smoke
  • Allergies
  • Cold air
  • A cold or flu virus
  • Wrong exercises
  • Sinusitis
  • Strong fragrances

Current gaps in asthma care include:
  • In equal access to diagnosis and treatment (medicine)
  • Between care for different socioeconomic, ethnic and age groups
  • Between wealthy and poorer communities and countries;
  • In communication and care across the primary/secondary/tertiary care interface
  • In communication and education provided for people with asthma, (quality of asthma care plans vs)
  • In asthma knowledge and asthma awareness between health care providers
  • In prioritization between asthma and other long term conditions
  • Between prescribing inhalers and monitoring adherence and ability to use these devices;
  • Exist for the general public’s (non-asthmatics) and health care professional’s awareness and understanding that asthma is a chronic (not acute) disease.
  • Between scientific evidence and actual delivery of care for people with asthma.