Know about the nutrition facts of Alternatives Milk


1. Coconut Milk :
Coconut milk is a good choice when you want something creamy and sweet. Though this milk offers 30 percent of your daily value of vitamin D and 50 percent of your DV of vitamin B-12, it contains little calcium and just 1 gram of protein per cup. If you’re looking to reduce your saturated fat intake, keep in mind that coconut milk is the only milk alternative that contains as much saturated fat as whole cow’s milk.

Calcium: 70
Fat: 4.5g
Carbs: 8g
Protein: 0g

2. Almond Milk : Almond milk is a great dairy alternative when you are looking to cut calories. This nut milk is made from water and ground almonds. The bad news about almond milk is that it contains very little protein—just 1 gram per cup! Although most varieties of almond milk are fortified with vitamins and other nutrients, there are others that don’t contain vitamin D or calcium. Almond milk is creamier and thicker than other alternatives.

Calcium: 60
Fat: 2.5g
Carbs: 8g
Protein: 1g

3. Pea Milk : Pea milk is one of the newer alt milks, and it differentiates itself from some of the others because it’s a good source of plant-based protein. At about 8 grams per cup, pea milk is comparable to cow’s milk and soy milk in the protein department, and may be a good option if that macro is important to you. It has a mild flavor so is fairly versatile and can even be used in baking. Like almond milk, fortified versions of pea milk contain vitamin D, calcium, B12 and potassium.

Calcium: 90
Fat: 4.5g
Carbs: 6g
Protein: 8g

4.Oat Milk : One cup of oat milk contains about 1 gram of soluble fiber, and more protein compared to almond milk (about 3 grams per cup). Since it’s made from a carbohydrate (oats), oat milk contains more carbs compared to some other alt milks, with about 16 grams per cup. The nutrient density here helps make oat milk a hearty, filling choice. It’s great on the side of fruit or a piece of toast for a snack, or in your favorite espresso beverage.

Calcium: 120
Fat: 5g
Carbs: 16g
Protein: 3g

5. Cashew Milk : This is another one of the newest dairy alternatives. Cashew milk is made from blending cashews with water, resulting in a creamy liquid. This milk is often fortified with calcium and vitamins A, D and B-12. Different brands will have varying amounts of nutrients, so be sure to look at the nutrition label. Although this milk alternative may be low in calories, it also contains very little protein, just 1 gram per cup.