Did You Know North Koreans Don't Celebrate Birthday on July 8 and December 17?
Here is the Reason Why People in North Korea Do not Celebrate Their Birthday on July 8 and December 17.
In North Korea, people do not celebrate birthdays on July 8 and December 17 because these were the dates of the deaths of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il, respectively. Approximately 100,000 North Koreans celebrate displaced birthdays on July 9 or December 18 to avoid these dates.A person born on July 8 before 1994 may change their birthday, with official recognition. Kim Il-sung's birthday, Day of the Sun, is the most important public holiday of the country, and Kim Jong-il's birthday is celebrated as Day of the Shining Star.
Why Did North Koreans cry so hard when Kim Jong-il and Kim Il Sung died?
For North Koreans, Kim Jong-il and Kim Il Sung only leaders. And in exact evidence, the Kim, after had brainwashed the people by propagandizing themselves as Holy God, would make themselves be like seriously, damn powerful enough even after death.
North Korea has been living in this darkness for years. Look at the whole communist world and see What's happened throughout the time? People had to cheer, cry and impress with the dictators ruling them and expressing against them would bring you to prison.
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