Øresund Bridge | Under Water Tunnel | Connects Denmark and Sweden | Cost | Design
This Amazing Bridge Turns into an Underwater Tunnel Connecting Denmark and Sweden.
What is the name of the bridge that connects Sweden and Denmark?
The Oresund Bridge is the longest combined road and Rail Bridge in Europe about 16 km, connecting 2 of the foremost important centers within the region: the Danish capital of Copenhagen, and Sweden’s town of Malmö. The Oresund is an engineering marvel. The award-winning double-track railway and expressway opened on July 1, 2000.The Oresund Bridge is a bridge, a tunnel and also the island Peberholm.
The Oresund was designed by the Danish engineering firm COWI and also the main architect was George K.S. Routine. They designed an impressive bridge that turns into a tunnel.The bridge and tunnel come across the Oresund strait and are conjointly operated by the neighbor states from both countries. To use the Oresund you need to pay a toll. It’s also around two hundred people operating to form a secure and effective link between Denmark and Scandinavian country.
The Oresund Bridge runs nearly 8 kilometers (5 miles) from the Swedish coast to the artificial island of Peberholm that lies within the middle of the strait. The crossing of the strait is completed by a four-kilometer (2.5-mile) underwater tunnel, known as the Brogden Tunnel, from Peberholm to the Danish island of Amager.PEBERHOLM ISLAND:
The artificial island of Peberholm is kind of spectacular in itself. It links the bridge and tunnel. The island was created from material dredged from the ocean bottom and most of the 4-kilometer tunnel was engineered by concrete components cast on land and towed out and lowered into a dredged trench. It had been created from material dredged from the ocean bottom.The flora and fauna have been allowed to develop freely and has currently become a giant point of interest for biologists. The Lund’s botanical Association has known more than 500 totally different species of plants, in addition to a popular piece of land for birds, and home ground for the rare green toad frog.
Approximately two-thirds of the people travel across the Oresund pass train with the journey between Copenhagen and Malmö taking concerning 35 minutes.Is there border control between Denmark and Sweden?
There was no land border with Denmark before July 2000 when the Oresund Bridge was opened that had relaxed customs check from the beginning. With the European migrant crisis, the Scandinavian nation re-introduced stricter border controls in November 2015.How much the Oresund Bridge cost?
If you cross the bridge by bus or train, it'll price you around 10 euros. Train travel is way better because it runs each twenty minutes and takes around 20-25 minutes to achieve Malmö, Scandinavian nation from Copenhagen airport.If you drive, the bridge toll is going to be around 45 euros and is much costly and it provides pleasure additionally.
Construction cost: 19.6 billion DKK - 25.8 billion SEK - 2.6 billion Euro
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